Inspired by Gene Kelly’s iconic work in Hollywood, Starstruck is an immersive, theatrical experience for audiences around the world to escape to the glamour and grace of Paris, 1960.
One of the first choreographers to bring the ‘American style’ to Europe, the legendary Gene Kelly was invited to create an original work for the Paris Opera Ballet in 1960. His jazzy, joyful Pas de Dieux was highly acclaimed at the time as ‘a breath of fresh air’ but has been rarely performed since. It has now been given a new set of wings for its life on screen.
In collaboration with Kelly’s widow, Patricia Ward Kelly, Scottish Ballet’s CEO/Artistic Director Christopher Hampson and designer Lez Brotherston (The Snow Queen, The Secret Theatre) have lovingly revived the original ballet and added a delightful new twist. You’ll be transported into a world where jazz meets ballet, and the stars align.
Combining live performance capture with cinematic filming techniques and additional elements not seen in the stage production, Starstruck is directed for screen by Oscar Sansom (Dive), in partnership with Forest of Black (The Secret Theatre). It won the Critics’ Circle National Dance Award for Best Dance Film, 2022.
Gene Kelly’s pioneering choreography and much-loved style influenced a generation of directors and dance-makers in Hollywood, Broadway and beyond, and Scottish Ballet honour his creative legacy with this playful new film. Set to Gershwin’s effortlessly cool Concerto in F, with extracts from Chopin; Starstruck is exactly the evening of entertainment you’ve been longing for.